November 18, 2007

I am still here!

I am just letting everyone know that I am still here. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! I am going to do an entry in the next couple of days about all that has happened since the beginning of this month. There has been a lot going on. I am off to bed, so until then...



Greg said...

Thanks for getting that item for me the other day when you were shopping!! K can never know that it cost only $3. SHHHHHHHHH, it will be our secret:)

Nellie said...

Can't wait!

Greg said...

This is the longest nap I have ever seen!!!

Greg said...

Still sleeping............I think I can hear you snoring actually...............

Greg said...

.......Did you just fart?........

Greg said...

.....pew......that could have at least blamed it on the dogs........

everyone needs a ride! said...

You are not still here~~~~~~~~ You are so far gone!!!!